
Click on a number in the grid to start the crossword. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter. Click on "Check" to check your answers.
    1      2        
  3            4    
11    12              


3. A large snow storm
6. Opposite of hot
7. Semiaquatic marine mammals, also known as pinnipeds
9. Opposite of North
10. An injury made by frost on fingers or toes
12. A furry creature with a black body and white belly
14. Southern most continent in the world
15. Most of Antarctica is covered with


1. Same as breeziest
2. A famous movie with Elsa and Anna
4. Superlative form of dry
5. Ice house
8. A bird found in Antartica
11. Swim in oceans and are huge
13. We need it to survive